In October of 2002, the nation was paralyzed with fear by a series of coordinated shootings along the East Coast. John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo were the snipers responsible for attacking 17 people. A new podcast, “Monster: DC Sniper,” details the month-long investigation. “City Lights” producer Summer Evans sat down with the host, Tony Harris, to discuss the series.
The podcast has been released on the heels of a case the Supreme Court is hearing this year. Malvo, who was a teenager at the time he was convicted, is serving life in prison without parole. The Supreme Court will be decided whether or not to amend his sentence.
“[Malvo] meets Muhammad at a low in his life, a point of real desperation. He was only 14 years old when they met. His father and mother essentially abandoned him. John Muhammad is essentially his miracle if you can imagine that. He picks him up, saves him, nurses him back to health, but he indoctrinates him. Muhammad pulls him into this twisted world,” Harris said. “Given that we know so much more about brain science does it make sense when we’re sentencing young people, who have committed horrible crimes, to consider their age, their life circumstances, in crafting what feels like a more appropriate sentence for that young person.
“Do we believe that we grow from say 14 to 30? If we believe that, should we make an allowance for that in some way, shape, or form? That’s the question before the Supreme Court right now.”
A new episode is released every Thursday morning.